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Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security

As Organizations and businesses across all domains increase their online and network footprint, cyber threats are becoming more critical than ever before. The BSCYS program is designed to meet today’s business requirements while focusing on designing secure infrastructure and developing hands-on experience and problem-solving capabilities among students.

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Career benefits for Cyber Security

Cyber Security careers are expected to grow 32% between 2018 and 2028 (worldwide), significantly higher than the average growth for all fields, as a result of increase cyber threats across all industries. BSCYS job market is everywhere including financial organizations, Ethical Hacking, HealthCare, Smart cities, Cyber Warfare, Internet of Things, Digital surveillance system, Supply chain organizations, Crypto currencies, Digital and mobile Forensics, Mobile App and Web/Software development, Information Security Auditing.

Looking at the expansion in cyber security during recent years, this technology has become a vital part of data sensitive, Defense and Government organizations, Public access data networks where privacy matter like NADRA, FBR, WAPDA, SNGPL, Telecom Networks, Banks, Stock Exchange, Hospitals, Educational Institutes, Aviation, Law enforcement agencies etc. and almost all fields of life.

Research Funding with Industry Linkage in Cyber Security at SS-CASE-IT

SS-CASE-IT enjoys funding of Rs. 100 million from HEC by Networks and Cyber Security Research Group. Under this funding, we are developing the High-Speed Deep Packet Inspection Engine that acts as a core of all the cyber security products.

We are also developing a smart keyboard for secure communication for classified organizations. This product can also be used for secure data exchange using Facebook, WhatsApp, Email, or any other medium.

We are developing all these products in collaboration with CARE Pvt Ltd. Our faculty and students are already working on these projects through consultancy, internships, final year projects, and MS /Ph.D. level thesis. Our students have the opportunity not only to work on state of the art cyber security technologies but also to work in a corporate environment, preparing them for future jobs

What SS-CASE IT is Offering?

The BSCYS program offered at SS-CASE-IT has been designed as per the guideline of HEC/NCEAC to meet the current needs of today’s Job market in Cyber and Information Security.

The program focuses on both the theoretical and practical dimensions of preparing students for the software and engineering industry at large and giving extra skills in the above-mentioned practical areas of Cyber Security.

In addition, the specially designed BSCYS curriculum meets the changing landscape of secure computing, which involves not only computers, but also network-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablet devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Courses covered in the light of renowned certification in Cyber Security

The practical knowledge given in different subjects mainly targets renowned certification areas like Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA), Certified Cloud security professional (CCSP), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Security, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE).

Pre-Medical students

Pre-Medical students don’t need to appear in Board intermediate level (FSC or equivalent) exams to clear their mathematics courses. The two mathematics courses taught in first semester will make them eligible to continue their education in BSCYS from Fall 2020 semester as per HEC directives thus saving their time.

Career Benefits for Pre-Medical Students in BSCYS

Students with Pre-Medical backgrounds have a large no of career possibilities in BSCYS.

  1. Main Stream Cyber Security:

    Aliening with Artificial Intelligence there are a lot of jobs in health care information systems, Cyber-attacks on patient records and information systems, security Engineer, Cyber Security Analyst, Database Administrator, System Administrator, Game Developer, Mobile app development, Web development, IoT development, etc.
  2. Biomedical IoT-based Devices:

     Pacemakers, insulin pumps, robotic surgery, ECG machines, and other medical devices are becoming more advanced. Most contain software and connect to the internet, hospital networks, your mobile phone, or other devices to share information. So, it is important to make sure medical devices are cyber secure.

**Pre-Medical Students can also Apply **

Program Duration

Minimum: 4 years (8 semesters)
Maximum: 6 Years (With One Year Extension)

Degree Requirements

  1. Minimum of 132 credit hours including a senior design project of 6 credit hours, with a minimum CGPA of 2.00
  2. Minimum of 138 credit hours including a senior design project of 6 credit hours for pre-medical students, with a minimum CGPA of 2.00
Internship (Pass/Fail grade; NIL credits):

Every student is required to participate in a summer training program and submit a formal written report during the summer of Junior Year.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. At least 50 % marks in Intermediate (HSSC), A-Level & equivalent examination with Mathematics or equivalent qualification with Mathematics certified by IBCC.
  2. At least 50% marks for FSc, A-level, or equivalent in Pre-Medical. No need to appear in Board intermediate level (FSC or equivalent) exams to clear their mathematics courses.

List of Semesters

  • CodeTitleCredits for Non-MedicalCredits for MedicalPre‐Requisite
    SC1201Applied Physics3+03+0Freshman Standing
    SC1001Calculus & Analytic Geometry3+0N/AFreshman Standing
    HU1002English Composition & Comprehension3+03+0Freshman Standing
    CS1501Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies1+11+1Freshman Standing
    CS1001Programming Fundamentals3+13+1Freshman Standing
    PSC1001Pre-Mathematics-IN/A3+0Freshman Standing
    PSC1002Pre-Mathematics-IIN/A3+0Freshman Standing
