Dr. M. Ayub Alvi
(PhD, Univ. of Manchester, UK)
Vice Chancellor
Since its inception in 2001, the Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE) has always been a National Center of Higher Learning in Pakistan. Through our unique blend with CARE (Pvt.) Ltd., we have been successful in converting Research into Commercialization in the areas of Health Care, Defense, Telecommunications, and Power. So far, our faculty members have earned funding of more than Rs 300 million from various organizations in Pakistan, and have been on the technological forefront. Our students get a technological edge and a flavor of Entrepreneurship during the course of their studies. We also impart professional training to industry professionals so that they can play a strong role as leaders in their companies and organizations.
The world is rapidly changing, and so is SS-CASE-IT. I am pleased to inform you that we have shifted our focus toward computing programs. In this regard, we now offer Bachelor’s degree programs in Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Computer Science, and Software Engineering. Not only that, in view of the substantial increase in demand for skill-based 2-year degrees, we have started Associate Degree programs, which prepare a student to enter the job market after just two years of university education. The Associate Degree also provides a path for its graduates to complete the remaining two years of education to earn a 4-year BS degree.
Accreditation of our Computer Science program in category ‘W’ from HEC is another mark of quality standard education at this Institute.
Our Ph.D., MS, and BS graduates are placed in important positions in various national and multinational organizations and some of them have established their own businesses. We are determined to make this institute a place where our graduates are not only the first choice of employers but also develop their own products to create jobs for a knowledge-based economy.

Dr. Ayub Alvi
Vice Chancellor / Chairman of Academic Council