The following postgraduate programs are being offered in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department:
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering (Ph.D. EE)
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The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has the pride of winning multiple grants from HEC and ICT R&D in multiple areas for the development of research labs. They include
- MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems)
- Cyber-security
- Robotics
- 5G Testbed development
These research labs will enable our students to perform high-level research in cutting-edge technologies. Our post-graduate programs have been geared to maximize the utilization of these labs by offering courses around the research themes being followed in these labs.
Our students will benefit from learning state-of-the-art technologies from faculty members renowned for their research in these areas specifically.
MS & Ph.D. Programs in Electrical Engineering
We offer MS Programs in Electrical Engineering with a strong foundation, in theory, to equip students with the skills necessary to grasp and develop new technologies and trends in electrical engineering and allied fields. The Electrical Engineering Program at SS CASE IT is tailored to the specific needs of modern industry and R&D organizations. It encompasses areas that are in line with hi-tech industry requirements in the field. The program equips technical managers with the knowledge to remain competitive in this area. The curriculum has been designed with the aim of providing breadth and depth of knowledge in key areas that evolve with societal needs. Our faculty is also actively engaged in research and has won grants from HEC and Ignite National Technology Fund worth PKR 180 million in the areas of Robotics, Cyber Security, Chip Design, 5G Communication Technologies, and Intelligent Systems.
Focus Research Areas
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is offering MS in Electrical Engineering in the following research areas:
Communication Systems and Networks
Electrical Power and Energy Engineering
Robotics and Control Systems
Computer Networks and Cyber Security
Digital Design and Embedded Systems
Intelligent Systems
- AI & Chip Design
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the MS EE Program
The educational objectives of the MS EE Program are to graduate students who have the following attributes.
PEO-1: The graduates will exhibit the ability to do research, think creatively and deploy efficient engineering solutions to local and global problems.
PEO-2: The graduates are able to communicate effectively and have the necessary skills to lead a team of designers, developers, or professionals to engage in a globally competitive world.
PEO-3: The graduates are able to utilize formal and informal learning opportunities to maintain and enhance technical, personal and professional growth.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the PhD EE Program
The following are the Program Educational Objectives of PhD EE program: –
PEO-1: To produce graduates capable of conducting advanced research and effectively developing innovative solutions and products for commercial, industrial, and research-oriented organizations, with an emphasis on entrepreneurial mindset.
PEO-2: To provide formal foundations to develop highly skilled researchers who pursue the field of Electrical Engineering and allied fields.
PEO-3: To contribute as professional and effective team leaders in multidisciplinary teams and diverse organizations.
Eligibility Criteria
MS in Electrical Engineering
A minimum of 16 years of education leading to BS/BE/BSc In Electrical / Electronics / Telecommunications / Computer Engineering or equivalent qualification in relevant discipline recognized by HEC.
CGPA / % Percentage: Minimum CGPA 2.00/4.00 or 60% Marks.
Admission Test: As per prevalent HEC/Institute policy.
PhD in Electrical Engineering
MS or equivalent degree in relevant discipline is required (18 years of education). At least 3.00 CGPA or 60% marks in case of annual system in MS/M.Sc. or equivalent in Electrical Engineering.
CGPA / % Percentage: Minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00 or 70% Marks.
Admission Test: As per prevalent HEC/Institute policy
Program Duration
MS EE Program:
The minimum duration for completion of an MSEE degree is 1.5 years or 3 regular semesters and a maximum of 3.5 years with a maximum of 6 months extension.
Ph.D. EE Program:
The minimum duration for completion of a Ph.D. EE degree is 3 years or 3 regular semesters and a maximum of 6 years with two – 1-year extensions.
Ph.D. Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Degree Requirements Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering requires the student to pass a minimum of 6 courses in any of the specializations within the department with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. In addition to courses, the student is required to take a research thesis worth at least 30 credit hours. The student is also required to publish at least one paper from the research in an HEC-recognized journal.
The student will take courses of 8000 level from the lists given below as advised by the Ph.D. supervisor in consultation with the Research Management Committee.
MS Degree Requirements
The student has to take three core courses from the following list of five courses:
MS EE Curriculum Design
The curriculums for MS Electrical Engineering and PhD Electrical Engineering programs are provided as under.
Title of Degree Program: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MS EE)
Definition of Credit Hour: 1 credit hour is 1 hour of lecture.
In general, a student has to complete a minimum of 31 credit hours’ worth of courses (for non-thesis) and 25 credit hours’ worth of courses and 6 credit hours of thesis work (for thesis option). All courses except Research Methodology, carry 3 credit hours and the Research Thesis carries 6 credit hours. Research Methodology is a compulsory course for all students.
PhD Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Degree Requirements Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering requires the student to pass a minimum of 6 courses in any of the specializations within the department with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. In addition to courses, the student is required to take a research thesis worth at least 30 credit hours. The student is also required to publish at least one paper from the research in an HEC-recognized journal.
The student will take courses of 8000 level from the lists given below as advised by the Ph.D. supervisor in consultation with the Research Management Committee.
Detailed Road Map for PhD
- Coursework
Pass at least 18 credit hours of PhD level courses on the recommendation of supervisor with B- or higher grade.
Must pass ‘Research Methodology’ course (either at MS or PhD level).
- Comprehensive
Examination Pass PhD Comprehensive exam, covering PhD level courses, relevant to area of research. Failure to pass the comprehensive examination in a maximum of two attempts shall result in cancellation of admission.
- PhD Thesis-I (Approval of Synopsis Research Proposal)
The Scholar should prepare Synopsis/Research Proposal and get it vetted by the Supervisor.
- The PhD Scholar must publicly defend synopsis before the PhD Research Monitoring Committee.
- The required coursework, comprehensive exam, and defense of synopsis/research proposals should be completed within three years.
- PhD Thesis – II (Research Work)
The Scholar should carry out research work. After completion of research work and its acceptance by the Supervisor, the scholar can proceed to write PhD Thesis.
- PhD Thesis – III (Research Publication)
The Scholar should publish research articles satisfying the following:
- Publish at least one research article in W category journal or two research articles in X category journals.
- The scholar must be the first author of these publications.
- Research article(s) must be relevant to the PhD research work of the scholar.
- The article(s) must be published after approval of the research synopsis.
- The article(s) must be published in a relevant research journal.
- PhD Thesis – IV (Writing PhD Thesis)
The scholar should submit PhD Thesis to the Supervisor, after carrying out a similarity test, in accordance with the HEC’s Anti-Plagiarism Policy.
- Similarity test can be conducted after removing References/bibliographies and tables of contents from the submitted documents.
- If the report has a similarity index of ≤19%, then the benefit of doubt may be given to the author. However, if any single source has a similarity index ≥5% without citations then it needs to be revised.
- If the similarities of a report are from the author’s own (previous) work, then they may be ignored only if the material has been cited by the author.
Once the Supervisor is satisfied with the Thesis, he can give go-ahead signal for Evaluation of Thesis by other Experts.
- PhD Thesis – V (External Evaluation of PhD Thesis)
Evaluation of the PhD Thesis is done by:
At least two external experts who shall be:
- PhD faculty member from the world top 500 universities ranked by the Times Higher Education or QS World Ranking in the year corresponding to dissertation evaluation year OR
- Pakistan-based Distinguished National Professors, Meritorious Professors from any national university; or professors from top universities ranked by HEC; or professors from any Pakistani University having a minimum H-Index 30 for Sciences, 15 for Social Sciences or 8 for Art & Humanities as determined by Web of Science.
- At least one external expert qualifying any one of the conditions mentioned at ‘a’ above if the PhD candidate publishes dissertation research in a peer-reviewed journal that is classified by the HEC in category W.
- PhD Thesis – VI (Public Defense of PhD Thesis)
Once external evaluation is completed, the PhD scholar is required to obtain satisfactory evaluation from Supervisory Committee (includes local experts). If satisfied, then open public defense of PhD thesis takes place.
- Submission of the Final Version of PhD Thesis
After incorporating changes in the thesis, copies of final thesis should be submitted to the supervisor. The Supervisor issues a certificate of final acceptance of thesis.
Courses Offered in Electrical Engineering
EE6510 Advanced Computer Networks EE6511 Cryptography and Network Security EE6522 Computer and Network Forensics EE6514 Iot Network Architecture and Protocols EE6516 Network Routing and Switching EE6517 Electronic Warfare – Principles and Techniques EE6519 Computer Security EE6520 Network and System Programming EE6521 Advanced Operating System EE8511 Advanced Network Security EE8512 Cloud Computing & Security EE8521 Simulation, Modeling, and Performance Analysis of Computer Networks EE8522 Software Defined Networks (SDN) EE8513 Intrusion Detection and Prevention EE8514 Vulnerability Exploitation and Defense EE8515 Cellular and Mobile Networks Security EE8516 Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering EE8517 Advanced Cryptography EE8518 Selected Topics in Computer Networks EE8519 Selected Topics in Cyber Security EE8520 Selected Topics in Information Security Management EE8909 MS Research Thesis EE8999 PhD Thesis