Min 1.5 Years
Graduate Degree Programs
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
The following postgraduate programs are being offered in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department:
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering (PhD EE)
Master of Science in Computer Science
SS CASE IT has a mission to contribute to the industrial sector by producing computer experts both in hardware and software who can lead the industry by introducing best professional practices.
Master of Science in Engineering Management
This unique program combines several modules from traditional business & management program with courses bringing the latest techniques and concepts in ‘Engineering Management’ including but not limited to Project Management, Decision Making, Engineering Optimization and Management for Technical Organizations.
Master of Science in Mathematics
SS-CASE-IT has a mission to contribute to the knowledge economy and industrial sector by producing graduates who can serve and lead the country by introducing the best professional practices. SS CASE IT is significantly contributing …
Master of Science in Project Management
This program focuses distinctly on an individual’s Project Management capabilities, skill building, and conceptual understanding from basic to advanced level concepts (related to Project Management).
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 2 Years
A master of business administration (MBA) is a graduate degree that provides theoretical and practical training for business or investment management. An MBA is designed to help graduates gain a better understanding of general business management functions.
Master of Science in Microbiology / Master of Philosophy in Microbiology
The MS degree program at the Sir Syed CASE Institute of Technology is designed to give candidates advanced coursework in microbiology and an in-depth introduction to microbiology research.