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Wireless Communication & Networks Group

Intelligent Systems Group was founded in February, 2021. The main objective of the group is to conduct state of the art projects and research in the areas of Applied Mathematics and Intelligent Systems like Optimisation,

The BS Computer Sciences degree program is recognized by the NCEAC (National Computing Education Accreditation Council) of HEC in the top category i.e. W4 category.


Funded Projects

Ongoing funding

  1. 5G-SDR: A Flexible Solution for Tactical Communications: The project with a funding of 26 million PKR by IGNITE, National Technology Fund, aims to develop the first 5G Air‐Interface testbed in Pakistan. We will be implementing the advanced 5G communication techniques such as filter‐bank multi‐carrier and massive MIMO processing on high‐end digital processing platforms interfaced with 5G‐capable multi‐antenna RF front‐ends. The 5G‐SDR project not only instills the passion of applied 5G research in the undergraduate and postgraduate students at CASE, but also in collaboration with CARE – the industrial partner, packages it into a commercially sellable tactical communication waveform for the national and regional defense forces. Link:
  2. Decentralized Communications for Swarm Robotics Lab: The swarm robotics lab with funding of 79 million PKR under National Center for Robotics and Automation from Higher Commission of Pakistan (HEC) aims to establish a scaling solution by providing an application agnostic swarm intelligence platform. The lab is composed of three sublabs, i.e., Swarm Intelligence Lab, Computer Vision and AI Lab and Decentralized Communications Lab. The most important aspect of this lab would be to generate a generic scaling solution that would work for any kind of application that is able to benefit from a multi‐agent robotic system in an optimal way. Such an undertaking will be achieved using the state‐of‐the‐art swarm intelligence algorithms. Key Application areas are: Disaster Management, Water Quality Monitoring and Intelligent Video Surveillance. Link:

Past Projects

  1. An early flood warning and management system (National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative):The model demonstrates the use of the ESP32 development board to gather data from the sensors on precipitation, water flow and water level. The raw data is transmitted to the IoT platform using a 4G device connected to the ESP microcontroller where it is processed using an online IOT platform based on the algorithm developed in MATLAB, after which the warning alert is sent to the community. The end users are also provided with an android application to monitor the flood risk situation in real time. (The IEEE paper has passed the review stage and has been accepted in the conference for publication)
  2. Multi-Antenna Diversity Demonstration using Ettus Research USRP Platforms (CARE Pvt. Ltd.): Findings and results published in IEEE conference (Please refer to the list of publications)

Other Projects

  1. Improving spectral efficiency of Device to Device cellular networks:Since cellular spectrum is scarce and expansive, the idea is to come up with spectrally efficient resource allocation algorithms that demonstrate high spectral efficiencies compared to the state of the art.
  2. Interference management in Wireless AdHoc networks:Managing Interference for a decentralized network such as an adhoc network poses a huge challenge. The project involved study of interference models using stochastic geometry of network nodes and computation of various system parameters such as outage probabilities, signal to interference ratio, transmission capacities with outage constraints.
  3. OFDM Modem Design incorporating IEEE 802.11a standard and performancecomparison over various channel conditions on MATLAB:The project involved the implementation of basic OFDM physical layer design and comparison of various BER vs SNR performance curves under different channel conditions.
  4. Mathematical Modeling of wireless channel precoder design that maximizes the capacity: In this project, a mathematical model had developed to design a precoder that maximizes the capacity of block-based/MIMO system assuming perfect channel state information is available at the transmitter side.
  5. A low Power Analog Amateur Wideband FM Transceiver design with a carrier tuning range of 10 MHz – 30 MHz:The project involved the hardware implementation of an Amateur Wideband FM Transceiver that is able to transmit and receive the voice data over 1km radius with acceptable SNR.
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