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Electric Power and Energy Systems Group

Power and Energy Systems research group is dedicated to conducting research to deliver technological and training solutions for the power industry.

Our research activities are around renewable generation integration, condition assessment of critical power infrastructure and power electronics control and applications. This includes power system stability, state estimation, power quality, grid intelligence, electric transportation, control and operation of power systems and transformer condition monitoring with a specific focus on the needs of electricity supply industry.


Our mission is to empower minds to engineer the future of electric power and energy systems.


Pursuing, discovering, and transferring knowledge in the electric power and energy systems area and producing highly qualified and trained engineers that can effectively meet the challenges of the present as well as the future.

Research Areas

Our research areas span power system, power markets,T&D technologies, power electronics, electric machines and drives to create a modern electric energy infrastructure that enables a low-carbon economy that serves society.Some of our focus areas are:

  1. Power Systems Research: We are working for a sustainable society. Our aim is to develop models, methods, tools, and control strategies to maintain a secure and reliable operation of power systems in a cost-effective manner.Systems research seeks ways to increase use, efficiency and reliability of increasingly complex and dynamic power systems. Mathematical models are designed to study the steady-state and dynamic behavior of system under different circumstances. The challenges faced by modern powers systems are examined mathematically and analytically to provide solutions by designing control strategies. These control strategies are implemented and verified using different scientific tools.Current research topics are transmission corridors to support renewable energy resources, integration of storage devices with renewable, special protection schemes, visualization using PMU data, on-line security assessment, and model and data interoperability in a smart grid.

  2. Power Markets Research: Efficient operation of electricity markets is essential for the development of society. Integration of large amounts of renewable intermittent energy sources brings new challenges on the operation of power systems and design of electricity markets.Research on electricity markets covers a large range of topics and application areas. Recent research addresses challenges resulting from integration of renewable energy sources, operation and planning under uncertainty, electricity market design and energy forecasting as well as new trends like demand response, multi-energy system operation and electric vehicle fleet management.Markets research focuses on market design, analysis, and mechanisms within the context of the electric power system. This involves implications of greenhouse gas policy options for power systems, coupling wind generation with controllable load and storage, demand response options for integrating renewable energy, and interactions of energy and environmental policies in a transmission constrained electric power market.

  3. Transmission and Distribution Technologies Research: This research improves performance of T&D systems by finding new applications for innovative technologies. This involves new substation designs, communication requirements for a smart grid, PHEV’s for energy storage, smart grid implications for distribution engineering, interoperability of PMU’s and PMU-enabled intelligent electronic devices, and micro and nano dielectrics for utility applications.

  4. Power Electronics, Electric Machines are Drives: Electrical systems transfer electricity which is mostly produced and consumed by rotating electrical machines. Further, the use of electric and hybrid electric drivelines in both passenger and heavy vehicles is now commonplace and with a continuously growing market share. At the same time, increased computational power and novel control algorithms enable opportunities to reduce energy consumption and/or improving various performance metrics of electric drives. Electrical machines and electric drives are therefore a vital part of the future electrical ecosystem in the global quest towards solutions to environmental challenges.In the electrical machine and drive research involves developing novel concepts and technologies aimed at enabling energy savings and cost reductions in the field of electric machinery and electric drives (including their control). This applied research field includes both theoretical analysis as well as experimental evaluation. There is a wide range of applications in the automotive, railway traction, industrial drives and wind power generation.


Study in Power and Energy Systems

Academics contribute specialist courses in power systems and broad power engineering areas of electrical engineering-based specializations.

  • PES-Undergraduate CoursesCourse Name
    EE2103Electrical Machines
    EE3601Power System Analysis
    EE3602Power Distribution and Utilization
    EE4105Advanced Electrical Machines
    EE4603Power Generation
    EE3604Electrical Power Transmission
    EE3303Power Electronics
    EE3605Power System Protection
    EE4606Power System Operation & Control
    EE4106Electrical Machine Design and Maintenance
    EE4607High Voltage Engineering
    EE4608Renewable Energy Systems
    EE3107Industrial Drives
    EE4609FACTS and HVDC Transmission
    EE4610Smart Grid
    EE4699Advanced Topics in Electrical Power Engineering
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