SS CASE IT, IEEE YP ISB, EZXPRT Pvt. Ltd, National Institute of Electronics H9-Isb,
2019, 2019, 2016, 2016, 2014
Till Now, 2020, 2016, 2016, 2020
Research Interest
- Robotics & Smart Machines, - Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, ANN, Computer Vision, - Internet of Things, Networking , - Cognitive Science , - Embedded Systems, Robotics, Industrial Automation
Robotics & Automation Mechatronics & MEMS Control Systems Engineering Machine Intelligence Computer Vision, Working on deep learning models such as CNN and RNN models for classification of images, object recognition (facial recognition), 3d CNN for video data analysis, speech recognition, generative adversarial network (GAN) for data synthetic (generation) and using CNN & RNN for Spatio-temporal problems., Working on Software Defined Networking for IoT to enhance the security and performance of the system., Working on how we think and how thought is generated in our mind, simply the algorithm of our brain. Design of efficient hardware for artificial intelligence algorithm (CNN, RNN, SVM), Working on a PLC and SCADA based system for automation of different industrial processes
Honors & Award / Projects
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2017
Awarding Organization
COMSATS University Islamabad , IEEE, IEEE CUI SB , IEEE ISB Section , COMSATS University Islamabad
Monitoring Physiological States of Person using Wireless Body Area Network (FYP), IEEEXtream 24Hour Programming Competition, Best Volunteer Award, Best Student Technical Chapter Award, Business Idea Competition
Graduate Member , Graduate Member/Faculty Advisor , Student Member , Young Professional , Engineer
Introduction To Information And Communication Technologies, Programming Fundamentals, Database Management Systems, Industrial Automation, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessor Based Embedded System, Network Programming, Signal & Systems, Object Oriented Programming